Living the hope of Jesus' Gospel in our communities.


To make disciples who know, love and serve God together in all contexts of life.


Our foundational hope and belief is in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We all taste of the beauty, peace, and joy that are part of life in this world. But, we also have a sense that this world is in many ways broken. We so often live with personal guilt, shame, and disappointment. And we live in a world in which there is widespread injustice, unrest, sickness, and death.


As Christians, we believe that this brokenness is the consequence of humankind’s decision to live life apart from the God who created us. The Gospel is the Good News that God loves us so much that he wants to restore us to relationship with Himself, and in the process bring healing and wholeness to His entire creation.

The Gospel is the Good News that Jesus Christ came into our world to live the perfect life we could never live. It is the Good News that Jesus died on the cross to take upon himself the guilt, shame and death we deserve. It is the Good News that Jesus rose from the dead three days later, defeating sin and death. It is the Good News that God grants forgiveness of sin and restoration of life to all who believe in what Jesus has done for us.

We invite you to join us on the journey of learning about and living for this God who so greatly loves us and desires that we live with Him forever.